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SEND ( Special Educational Needs)

Welcome to our Stanstead SEND pages, we hope the information here will support our children and families

This page has been created to house information required under the following legislation:
- The Children and Families Act 2014;
- The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice for 0 - 25 years; and
- The Special Educational Needs (Information) Regulations, including the statutory SEN Information Report.          -Keeping Children Safe in education 2022

This requirement came into force on 1st September 2014 and a guide for parents and carers was published by the Department for Education at the same time.

Our SEND policy is located on the Policy area of the website In addition you will also find our most recent SEN information report on this page below.

Please use the side panel to navigate various resources and support on our website including:

*Stanstead School Offer

*Support materials 

At Stanstead Flying High Academy, we aspire for all children to achieve their full potential. We aim to work in partnership with parents and children to best match provision to support a child’s needs.

Mrs Sheila Hayes is our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). She can be contacted through the school office.

Local Offer for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


The Nottingham City Local Offer contains information about the support available to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families.

Information  about services and activities for children and young people has all been brought   together in one place.

This website also contains information about new developments and changes to services. To access the website click here.

Information about national legislation and guidance will be published on this website, alongside  documents explaining how this is being implemented in Nottingham.

Would you prefer a printed information of the Local Offer? Contact the Families Information  Service on Tel: 0115 8765910