Spring 2023
Where in the world do we fit?
Our new enquiry question for the Spring term is “Where in the World do we fit?’’. We will be learning about the seven continents of the world, and where they are all located on a world map. Additionally, we will be learning about the five oceans. The children will continue to develop their map skills throughout this term, as we will be comparing two different places in the world. These places are Skegness and South Africa, and we will be looking at human and physical features in both places. When investigating South Africa, Nelson Mandela will be discussed regularly, and the children will be learning about his significance. The fundamental values will be focussed upon and integrated into our learning about Nelson Mandela.
Autumn 2022
Is someone always to blame for a disaster?
This term our enquiry question is “Is someone always to blame for a disaster?” We are going to be exploring the history of The Great Fire of London and debating if the blame lies anywhere. To support out learning we have 2 exciting extra-curricular events happening this term. We will first be visited by the amazing team at the Nottingham Fire Service who will be delivering a really exciting Great Fire of London Workshop for us in school as well as bringing along their Fire Engine for Class 2 to look at. Later in the term we also have a virtual session with the incredible team at the National Archives in London who will be sharing real life artifacts from The Great Fire of London with the children.