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Welcome to Stanstead's Governing Body 

Our Governors have a key role in ensuring our school maintains high standards in all areas of school life. They take part in monitoring activities and work with children and staff to gain a clear overview of what is happening across the school.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Name Date Commenced Meetings Attended 2023/24 Meetings Attended 2024/25
Debbie Inglis- Chair of Governors   6 1
James Saunders   6 1
Judith Robinson   6 1
Kerry Miller   6 1
Tanya Smith   6 1
Lorraine Eaton Sept 2024 X 1

The Governors have a key role in ensuring the school maintains its high standards in all areas. They take part in monitoring activities and working with the children and staff to gain a clear overview of what is happening across the school.

Through the structure of committee meetings and in school review sessions, they hold the Senior Leadership Team to account for their work. Each Governor has an area of responsibility which you can find below:

Complaints Debbie Inglis
Finance James Saunders
Health & Safety James Saunders
Safeguarding/Child Protection/LAC Lorraine Eaton
Safer Recruitment Debbie Inglis
Curriculum Debbie Inglis
Special Educational Needs Judith Robinson
Attendance Lorraine Eaton
Pupil Premium Judith Robinson
Training Co-ordinator Kerry Miller
Admissions Lorraine Eaton

Governor's Register of Interests

Below is a list of the business interest of our current governing body. These were updated Autumn 2024.

Name Nature of interest Date involved
Debbie Inglis Training to school leaders and wider team July-2008
James Saunders    
Tanya Smith NONE N/A
Kerry Miller NONE N/A
Lorraine Eaton NONE N/A
Judith Robins NONE N/A